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Fawbert & Barnard's Primary School

Learning for Life


Notices & Reminders

Reception updates

If you need to contact me please email:

Please note I will reply within 48 hours.



Next week we will be having a film afternoon on Thursday and a class party afternoon on Friday.  We would love to have some food for the film and any leftover food will be eaten at the party.  A sign-up sheet will be circulated today.  If you do not pick up/drop off, then please send in anything the children would like to eat.  Please can all food items be sent into school on Thursday 18th July.

Thank you 

Miss Youngman



Date for your diary...

On Friday the 14th of June Reception would like to welcome any special men in their lives e.g. Daddy's, Grandad's, uncles, big brothers, neighbours etc to come to school at 3pm to share a story together from our book area and enjoy a glass of squash and a biscuit. 

We hope you can make it!

EYFS team



Hello everyone,

As part of our wellbeing curriculum, we shared the song 'pantosaurus' and discussed the PANTs rule this afternoon.  The children may come home and want to chat to you about it, so I have attached a link to the resources below.

Many thanks

Miss Youngman

Our Routines



Tuesday Wednesday  Thursday


        Book changing