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Fawbert & Barnard's Primary School

Learning for Life

Policies and Key Documents

Below are our school policies/procedures.  Please click on the relevant link.  Please note:  References made to the Deputy Headteacher should be addressed to Mr Worton-Geer.

Accessibility Plan (2021)
Acceptable Use Policy (October 2019)
Anti-bullying Policy (March 2024)
Assessment, Recording and Reporting Policy (June 2024)
Attendance Policy (June 2023)
Behaviour Policy (March 2024)
TMAT Behaviour Sanctions
Behaviour Policy Addendum - Covid 19
Biometric Policy
Computing Policy (July 2022)
COVID Contingency Plan
English Policy (July 2022)
EYFS Policy (January 2022)
Feedback and Marking Policy (November 2021)
First Aid (November 2023)
Funding Agreement (September 2017)
Homework Policy (November 2021)
Home/School Agreement (January 2022)
Intimate Care (July 2022)
Keeping Children safe in Education (September 2023)
Maths Policy (June 2022)
Online Safety Policy (October 2022)
Online Safety Addendum (February 2021)
Restrictive Physical Intervention Policy (October 2022)
Science Policy (October 2022)
SEND Policy & Information Report (March 2024) See also our SEND page for further information
Supporting pupils with medical conditions and children missing their education due to health needs (June 2023)
Teaching and Learning Policy (January 2022)
Uniform Policy (Sept 2023)
Wellbeing Education and RSE (June 2022)
TMAT Admissions Policy (2022-2023)
TMAT Bereavement Policy - May 2020
TMAT Charging and Remissions Policy - March 2021
TMAT Code of Conduct
TMAT Code of Conduct for Trustees / LGs October 2022
TMAT Complaints procedure (Dec 2021)
TMAT H&S Statement of Intent - October 2022
TMAT Statement on Equality Duty & Objectives (April 2020)
TMAT: Overarching statement on Emergency Planning & Business Continuity (March 2018)
TMAT: Lettings Policy (Nov 2023)
TMAT: Parent Code of Conduct Policy (Nov 2023)
TMAT Privacy notice (pupils)
TMAT: Remote Learning (October 2021)
TMAT Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (Sept 2023)
TMAT Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy during school closure
TMAT Scheme of Delegation
TMAT School Debt Policy (Nov 2023)
TMAT Procedure for Dealing with Safeguarding Allegations Against Adults
TMAT Safer Recruitment
TMAT Suspensions and Permanent Exclusion Policy and Procedures (July 2023)
TMAT Whistleblowing - January 2023

Further TMAT policies can be found on the TMAT website.