A message from the SENCo
Dear Parents and Carers,
At Fawbert and Barnard’s, we believe that children should have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. In support of this, we provide high quality teaching for all pupils, in order for the children to both realise and achieve their full potential in all areas of the curriculum. When planning, teachers set suitable learning challenges and adapt teaching to respond to children’s diverse learning needs.
We strive to identify SEN at the earliest opportunity so that we can offer effective support to meet the needs of the child. We work alongside other professionals to ensure that all children receive the support they need in order to succeed. We work in partnership with parents and carers of children with SEND to build a better understanding of their strengths and barriers, so we can work towards the best possible outcomes for the children using the APDR cycle.
Fiona Collins
If you have any queries about your child in relation to SEND, your first point of contact will be your child's class teacher, who will be able to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet after school. The SENCo, Fiona Collins, has years of experience supporting children with SEND and is passionate about giving every child the voice they deserve to succeed in all their aspirations. Fiona regularly networks with other SENCos within the TMAT to drive inclusive practice for all children.
Should you require further information please contact us through email at or telephone the school on 01279 429427 and leave a message for Mrs Collins to ring you back.
SEND Policy
Other relevant policies
Essex Local Offer
Parent website links
TMAT SEND Policy - Statement of Intent
We wanted to share with you that the Essex Local Offer SEND Roadshows are taking place across Essex in March. These are an opportunity for parents and carers of children and young people with SEND to come along and ask a variety of services and organisations any questions about SEND. The event is free and no booking is required (unless parents want to access one of the free workshops).
We have attached a list of when and where the roadshows are taking place, but all the information about the roadshows can be found by following this link Essex Local Offer Roadshows
We have also attached two flyers below with more information. One is for the morning session, which will have a focus on 0 to 25. The afternoon session has an Early Years focus this year.