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Fawbert & Barnard's Primary School

Learning for Life


The following events have been organised to take place:

18 July 2024 - End of term BBQ (5:00-7:30 pm)

Fundraising received from events held since September 2023:

Event Total raised:
On-going events  
School lottery ticket sales and winnings donated to school (up to 31/12/2023) £349.00
Events taken place:  
Christmas card designs £236.20
Christmas present sale £251.80
Carol concert tombola stalls and raffle £1311.93
Mother's Day Sale £688.39
Spring Disco £648.96
Men's Day sale £309.23
Total raised £ 3795.51

Friends Expenses and Contributions provided to the school:

Donation for 2023/2024: Amount Received
Donation of t-shirts for Creative Club project £137.50
Drama Teacher  £6,000
Pantomime tickets/coaches £2,600
Support with school trips £1,000
Total Paid £9737.50