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Fawbert & Barnard's Primary School

Learning for Life

September 2024 Reception Admissions

We are pleased to be welcoming you to Fawbert & Barnard's in September either as a new or existing family.  We look forward to your child starting their educational journey with us. 

We sent an e-mail to you on 16 April 2024 with our offer of acceptance letter for acknowledgement.  If you have not received this, please check your junk e-mail box.  Further information will be issued shortly. Please see below.

There are several stages involved in making the admission process a successful transition in your child's life, and we are sure you will agree how important it is to try to make this as smooth as possible.

When communicating with parents, we aim to be as paper-free as possible.  Therefore, please have a look around all areas of this website, in particular the items on this class page and items on the school information tab above.

School uniform can be found on the "Information tab".  No PE kit is required for at least the first term, and you will be informed when this will become necessary.

We are preparing for an induction meeting for both you and your child and further details will be issued shortly.   

Please click on this link which provides parents with activities, helping their babies, toddlers and pre-school children to build up the knowledge and skills they need for school.

The DfE has published a new guide for parents, produced by Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s Centre. ‘What to Expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage’ (formerly ‘What to Expect When’) guides parents through what to expect about their child’s development. It aligns with the new Development Matters to help practitioners engage with parents about their child’s development.

Please see below some further useful information and attachments.

Please see link below for the YouTube video produced by Essex Child & Family Wellbeing Service for parents of our incoming Reception Year cohort. The video is also available to view from the ECFWS website.

Our induction and admission timetable is as follows:



What you need to do


Our Class Teacher will be attending a Nursery event on Wednesday 5 June 2024 at 3:30 pm to discuss transition with nursery staff.

Provide current Nursery details to the school.

Details sent with our letter dated 16 April 2024.

Additional meetings may be arranged where necessary.

Wednesday 19 June 2024


Arrive at 1:30 pm for a 1:40 pm start – 3:00 pm


Induction meeting

Letter dated 30 April 2024.

Pupil Information forms: bring with you to our Induction meeting along with your child’s full birth certificate

Look on the school website ( for all relevant induction items under the school information and classes tabs.

Teddy bears picnic and induction talk

On arrival, please wait at the main gate where members of staff and your child’s buddy will meet you and take you to our meadow for their activities.

Once you have dropped your child off, please make your way to the hall for the induction talk.  Please make every effort to attend as this will be the only opportunity you will have to hear the important information that will be shared.

Thursday 27 June 2024

9:30-11:30 am

Stay & Play session

Parent and child invited to attend a stay and play session to get to know the staff and new surroundings. 

This is a further opportunity to discuss expectations of the school, teaching of phonics, how you can help your child prepare over the holidays, follow-up any medical/ allergy requirements and answer any worries you may have.

Thursday 11 July 2024

9:30-11:30 am

Stay & Play session


Your child is invited to attend a stay and play session.

4-5 September 2024

Phased Admission

Groups of 7-8 pupils only


We have a phased admission period in September which helps the children to settle. A timetable will be with your induction pack and will be discussed at the induction meeting in June.

Please note carefully the admission arrangements for your child.

6-10 September 2024

Phased Admission

All children

A timetable was issued with our induction meeting letter dated 30 April 2024.

Harlow Council have organised workshops to help with the transition to Primary School.  Further details can be found below: