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Fawbert & Barnard's Primary School

Learning for Life

Latest News

Latest news from Fawbert & Barnard's Primary School

Page 5

  • Choir Performance

    Published 10/12/22

    On Saturday 10th December the choir performed at the St John’s Arc, Old Harlow with the New Edition Singers, an adult Harlow choir.

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  • Christmas Cookie Competition

    Published 08/12/22

    Some of our children have been taking part in cookery sessions with our Catering company.  They have learnt many skills over the past weeks and this week decorated cookies demonstrating great piping work.

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  • Christmas concerts

    Published 07/12/22

    We have now completed our Christmas performances.

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  • House Christmas Activities

    Published 02/12/22

    Children today worked in houses to make cards and decorations. Older children supported younger ones and fun was had by all.

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  • Choir performance

    Published 01/12/22

    Our Choir sang to residents at the Maybury Centre today.

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  • Christmas Tree

    Published 30/11/22

    We received a Christmas Tree today that was kindly donated by the Wainwright family.

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  • Harvest 2022

    Published 12/10/22

    The local Foodbank came to collect our donations today.

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  • Opening of Well-being area

    Published 27/09/22

    Today we opened our well-being area.

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  • 100% Attendance

    Published 20/09/22

    We are very pleased to report our attendance over the past two weeks.

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  • HM Queen Elizabeth II

    Published 19/09/22

    The school will be closed on Monday 19th September for the state funeral.

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  • Y4 Fashion Show

    Published 15/07/22

    Year 4 shared their creations with us today at their Fashion Show.

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  • Gardening Club Opening

    Published 08/07/22

    Today, we had a grand opening of our gardening club's growing area.

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