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Fawbert & Barnard's Primary School

Learning for Life

Latest News

Latest news from Fawbert & Barnard's Primary School

Page 11

  • Maybury Christmas Concert

    Published 06/12/16

    On the 6th December 2016, the choir visited Maybury Open Door, Harlow, to perform an informal Christmas concert.

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  • New Look Wildlife Area

    Published 01/12/16

    Our gardening volunteers (Ellie and Carol) have been very busy improving our Wildlife area.

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  • Children In Need

    Published 18/11/16

    The School Council worked hard selling a variety of cakes and bracelets as part of their fundraising event towards Children in Need on 18 November 2016.

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  • Layer Marney Visit

    Published 16/11/16

    As part of their Roman topic, Year 3 and 4 went on a visit to Layer Marney Tower. 

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  • Remembrance Day

    Published 11/11/16

    The school held a Remembrance assembly today to remember those who fought in all wars. Year 6 went on a visit to St Mary’s Church. This is what they said about it:

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  • Science Enrichment

    Published 10/11/16

    During our science enrichment days we investigated how to make a balloon blow up without air. 

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  • Year 1 & 2 Visit London

    Published 12/10/16

    Year 1 and 2 were extremely excited today as they took a trip to London.

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  • Police Visit

    Published 06/10/16

    Reception, Year 2 and Year 3 were very excited on Thursday morning as they received a visit from PC Mullis.  

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  • Canadian Pen Pals

    Published 04/10/16

    Year 4 received their first letter today from their new pen pals in Canada.

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  • Harvest

    Published 03/10/16

    We held our Harvest assembly on Monday where we shared class work and read poems.

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  • International School Award

    Published 09/09/16

    We have been awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award in recognition of our work to bring the world into the classroom.

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  • Achievement Celebrations

    Published 21/07/16

    We had an assembly celebrating our achievements for sporting events, attendance and the collecting of tokens throughout the year.

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