Implementation and Impact
At the heart of our curriculum are the core subjects of English, Mathematics & Science. We also truly value our wider curriculum, covering all other National Curriculum subjects. This wider curriculum is organised into topics taught as cross-curricular learning where meaningful links can be made or discrete subject specific work is taught as stand-alone units of learning. All topics will have an entry based ‘hook’ to excite and engage the children and a purpose for study so that learning is meaningful and relevant for them. A question is usually posed which is returned to during the topic.
Progression of knowledge, skills and understanding is carefully planned, reviewed and adapted yearly to ensure that children’s learning builds effectively over time to ensure children are ready to meet the expectations of secondary school. Each subject has 3 or 4 big ideas which all learning relates to. The big ideas help link the learning over time and aid memory. Teachers will be self-reflective and will enhance their teaching skills and strategies to help raise standards across the full breadth of the curriculum. Where possible, learning will be supported and enriched by visits, workshops, artefact boxes, role-play and practical resources. We encourage teachers to plan trips; particularly in our local community to ensure that all children have a wide variety of experiences and that we ensure they all have the same experiences to bring to their learning.
Our curriculum includes well-being and we plan for the whole child to ensure that learning is for life and enables every pupil to have the potential to fulfil their ambitions. We teach Relationships and Health Education throughout the school, alongside Personal, Health and Social education. Throughout our teaching of the curriculum, we develop ideas around the British Values.
Curriculum Implementation
- All groups of pupils are able to enjoy and achieve well.
- Pupils secure the necessary knowledge and understanding of important concepts across all subjects in the curriculum
- Teaching is responsive to the needs of our learners and steps are taken to address pupils' gaps, misconceptions and difficulties
- Teaching materials, strategies and work given to pupils is ambitious, coherent and matches the school's curriculum intent
We define progress as the widening and deepening of the essential knowledge, skills, concepts and behaviours in each subject through a key stage. We aim for our pupils to become resilient, curious learniners who find pleaseure in tackling challenging work.
If pupils make good or outstanding progress then they achieve the age-related expectations (Expected Standard) in a subject at the end of a key stage and may work at a more advanced standard (Greater Depth Standard), depending on their relative starting points or prior attainment.
We assess pupil's depth of understanding at regular intervals, and use this to forecast whether they are on track to meet our curriculum expectations. One of the roles of the subject leader is to monitor pupil progress and outcomes and to audit teachers' assessment judgements.
The impact of our work will be reflected in:
- Our pupils' achievements, including in results from national tests
- Pupils' work is of a good quality
- Our pupils are prepared for the next stage of their education
- Pupils can read confidently and competently and are numerate
- Pupils can talk about their learning