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Fawbert & Barnard's Primary School

Learning for Life

Attendance, Term Dates & Absence


Research Studies show a strong link between pupil attainment and attendance, and we aim for every pupil to achieve as much as they can. To do this, their attendance needs to be as high as possible.  For further guidance click here.  Please also see our Attendance policy.


Parents are legally responsible for making sure that their children arrive on time.  All pupils arriving at school anytime after 8:45 am should report to the school office before proceeding to class.

Registers will be closed at 9:15 am and 1.10pm.  Any child arriving after this time will be recorded as absent.


The legal requirements are that children of school age should attend school on each day that the school is open throughout the year.  It is also the parents’ responsibility to ensure that their children are punctual.  We have a high level of attendance and expect all new entrants to value and support our expectations.


The term dates are attached below.  In addition, please note the following INSET days:

Monday 2 September 2024
Tuesday 3 September 2024
Friday 25 October 2024
Friday 20 December 2024
Monday 2 June 2025

Medical Appointments 

The School should receive written notification of all medical appointments in advance and have attached the appointment letter received.  Notification slips are available from the school office.  There is no need for children to miss a whole session for a medical appointment – children can be collected from the school office at the appropriate time and then returned to school.


On the first day of absence, please telephone the school with a reason and update on a daily basis.  On the day that your child returns, a written/verbal explanation must be given to the class teacher if no reason has already been provided.  If the school receives no reason for the absence, it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.  Please click on the following below for further guidance on childhood illnesses. 
Is my child too ill for school?
How long should you keep your child off school?
A parent's guide to keeping children healthy

Leave of Absence for exceptional circumstances 

The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 were amended as from 1st September 2013 by The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013.

All references to family holidays and extended leave have been removed, together with the right for parents to apply for up to ten days holiday during term time. Headteachers are no longer permitted to grant leave of absence during term time, unless it is agreed there are exceptional circumstances.

There was also a change from 1st September 2013 relating to payment timescales for penalty notices.  Charges are £60 if paid within 21 days and £120 if paid within 21-28 days.  Legal intervention will then be issued following non-payment.

Any requests falling under the ‘exceptional circumstances’ category need to be made in advance, using the school’s form, with an accompanying letter explaining why the circumstances are considered exceptional. Please do not put the school in the position of having to decline approval for holidays, which could lead to a referral to the Local Authority for a penalty notice to be issued. Never put your child in the position of trying to ‘cover up’ for an absence, as this can be difficult and does not teach children the correct values.

Parents can also receive a Penalty Notice for an unauthorised holiday of only 6 sessions in the first two weeks of September.

As you know, we have always had high expectations for pupil attendance at Fawbert & Barnard’s – it is part of our high standards and ‘part of the package’ when you choose us. Studies show a strong link between pupil attainment and attendance, and we aim for every pupil to achieve as much as they can. To do this, their attendance needs to be as high as possible.

We greatly value the positive relationship between parents and the school and do not want the issue of holidays to create conflict in this relationship. We trust you will work with us to ensure your child attends school as much as possible.